We are happy to be a part of the launch of Sixthman Sessions! Check out our session here.
Lineup for The Rock Boat 16 announced at TheRockBoat.com #TheRockBoat
Just announced! We’ll be performing at the Moods of the Madison festival in Ennis, Montana in July! More details forthcoming. Tix at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/moods-of-the-madison-tickets-16130696347.
We’re excited to be part of Carbon Leaf‘s upcoming Ragtime Carnival and Campout just outside of Richmond, Virginia! Look for us on the Main Stage on Sat. May 16th at 3PM. Tickets on sale tomorrow!
Columbus! We’re excited to announce we’ll be playing a hometown show on Sat., April 4th at the The Columbus Athenaeum! Tickets on sale this Friday. More details TBA.